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Cambridge Centre for Climate Science


The scope of research into climate and climate change in Cambridge is very broad indeed. The focus in CCfCS is on scientific research (mathematical, physical, chemical and biological) relevant to Working Group 1 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.



Read more at: DAMTP: Atmosphere -Ocean Dynamics

DAMTP: Atmosphere -Ocean Dynamics

damtp.jpeg The Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics Group is a research group located within the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) at the University of Cambridge. Research in this group focuses on the fluid dynamical problems involved in understanding our climatic environment...

Read more at: Polar Science: British Antarctic Survey

Polar Science: British Antarctic Survey

The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) scientific research programme, Polar Science for Planet Earth is designed to generate insight and new discoveries about our changing world. Further information can be found here .

Read more at: Geography: Climate and Environmental Dynamics

Geography: Climate and Environmental Dynamics

geography.jpeg The Climate and Environmental Dynamics group in the Department of Geography conducts research on past, present and future climate and environmental variability. Understanding the mechanisms, evolution and impacts of global climate and environmental systems is central to the research...

Read more at: Earth sciences: Climate Change and Earth-Ocean-Atmosphere Systems

Earth sciences: Climate Change and Earth-Ocean-Atmosphere Systems

earthsci.jpeg The climate group uses a range of archives and proxies to document past climate change. The aim is to elucidate the processes governing climate change, providing empirical evidence to test theories and models, including those used to predict future climate change. Our evidence comes...

Read more at: Chemistry: Atmospheric Chemistry Research Group

Chemistry: Atmospheric Chemistry Research Group

The Atmospheric Chemistry Research Group (ACRG) is a team of atmospheric modellers, aiming better understand the air that surrounds us. The chemistry of the gases and particles present in ambient air is a hugely important field of research. If we are to discover new pathways which can reduce air...

Read more at: ICCS: Institute of Computing for Climate Science

ICCS: Institute of Computing for Climate Science

Computational modelling is key to climate science. But models are becoming increasingly complex as we seek to understand our world in more depth and model it at higher fidelity. The Institute of Computing for Climate Science studies and supports the role of software engineering, computer science...

Read more at: CISL: Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership

CISL: Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership

Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership are an impact-led institute within the University of Cambridge that activates leadership globally to transform economies for people, nature and climate. Through our global network and hubs in Cambridge, Cape Town and Brussels, we work with leaders...

Read more at: Centre for Climate Repair

Centre for Climate Repair

The research at the Centre for Climate Repair focuses on our three commitments areas: Deep and rapid emissions reductions, Greenhouse gas removal and Restoring broken climate systems. Reduce Emissions What near-term policies and actions can be adopted to rapidly decrease emissions by over 90% while...