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Cambridge Centre for Climate Science


CCfCS is run by a steering committee drawn from researchers from across Cambridge. We meet termly to plan CCfCS events.

Coordinator: Alison Ming

Dept of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics

John Taylor

Peter Haynes

Nicolaos Petropoulos

Charles Powell

Dept of Geography/SPRI

Andrew Friend 

Matt Osman

British Antarctic Survey

Emma Boland

Andrew Styles

Tarkan Bilge

Dept of Computer Science and Technology

Mala Virdee

Institute of Computing for Climate Science

Emily Shuckburgh

Laura Cimoli

Jack Atkinson 

Dept of Chemistry

Alex Archibald

Megan Brown

Vichawan Sakulsupich

Dept of Earth Sciences

Ali Mashayek

Sveta Radionovskaya 

Kate Oglethorpe

Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership

Sanna Markkanen

Centre for Climate Repair

Shaun Fitzgerald

Natalie Selwood

Dept of Archaeology

Nik Petek-Sargeant



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